
WEEDMAR 80 (2, 4-D)

Original price was: ₹256.00.Current price is: ₹220.00.

2,4-D Sodium technical 80% is based on 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. It is a selective Herbicide and controls broad leaf weeds, sedges germinating grass seedlings in crops, such as sugracane, wheat, maize, citrus, grapes, tea, orchards.

SKU: KIQ-0031 Category:

WEEDMAR 80 (2, 4-D)

Technical Content: 2,4-D Sodium technical 80%


2,4-D Sodium technical 80% is based on 2,4- Dichlorophenoxy acetic acid. It is a selective Herbicide and controls broad leaf weeds, sedges germinating grass seedlings in crops, such as sugracane, wheat, maize, citrus, grapes, tea, orchards.

Dosage: 6gm/lit